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How Robot Vacuum Cleaners Benefit Your Lifestyle

How Robot Vacuum Cleaners can Benefit Your Lifestyle

Robot Vacuum Cleaners | A MUST-HAVE for Home & Office in this Digital Age


The average American spends 23 hours and 36 minutes cleaning their home each month. That’s almost one whole day!


If you find yourself cleaning several hours a week, you probably would like to know if a robot vacuum cleaner could reduce that amount of time. In addition to explaining the benefits of these powerful machines, this post will help you better understand how a robot vacuum cleaner works and decide which model and features are right for you. 



Benefits of Having a Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Robot vacuum cleaners have become more and more popular in recent years. You probably know someone who has one and raves about how much they love it. If you aren’t convinced about buying one for yourself, consider just a few of the reasons that people these days are buying robot vacuums more than ever before. 


Easy to Use

Do you have trouble remembering to clean every day, causing a build-up of dust and debris in your home? With a robot vacuum, you won’t have to worry about forgetting to sweep anymore. Simply place the vacuum in it’s starting location and set the timer. 


When it’s time for the robot to vacuum your floors, it will turn on and begin doing the chores for you. Some models even return to their docks and charge themselves. Sounds pretty easy, right?



Saves You Precious Time

In fast-paced environments, saving time is always beneficial and can help us be more productive. Because robot vacuums are so easy to use, you won’t have to take so much time out of the day to tidy up or clean. You can use this newfound extra time to get more out of your day or learn a new hobby, all thanks to your new robot friend. 



Ideal for Elderly or Handicapped 

It may be difficult for those who are elderly or disabled to clean their homes as well as they would like. Conventional vacuum cleaners are heavy and bulky, making them hard to maneuver. Robot vacuum cleaners make great solutions for those with mobility issues because they are hands-free, allowing these individuals to clean their homes more frequently and thoroughly than thought possible. 



Easy To Store

If you live in a studio apartment, tiny house, or anywhere else with limited space, robot vacuums are beneficial for another reason- you can store them just about anywhere. Whether it’s under the bed, in the closet, or wherever you have a small space, you can store your robot vacuum cleaner. 



Models for Any Budget

Nowadays, there are models for just about anyone since they range from under $150 to more than $1500. Robot vacuum cleaners are not that different in price than conventional vacuums. Essentially, if you can afford a vacuum cleaner, you can afford its robot cousin. 



Saves Money In Homes and Offices

Not only are robot vacuum cleaners great for homes, but they also work well in office spaces. They are quiet so that they won’t disturb workers during the day and can be programmed to function at night when no one is around. It may even cut down expenses that offices previously used to hire cleaning services. 



How Do Robot Vacuum Cleaners Work? 

If you’ve never used a robot vacuum cleaner in your home or office, you may be wondering if it’s too good to be true. Although having a cleaning robot assist you with chores might sound futuristic or like something out of a movie, we’re here to tell you that it’s real and beneficial. So how do robot vacuum cleaners work?


Most robot vacuums have several rolling and spinning brushes. These brushes work to pull dirt, hair, and food into the center of the vacuum, where the device’s dustbin collects it. 



Understanding Robot Vacuum Cleaners’ Sensors

Robot vacuum cleaners have sensors to operate correctly. These sensors help the vacuum to “see” where it has been, detect new areas that it hasn’t cleaned, and avoid bumping into obstacles. 


Obstacle Sensors

While it’s evident that robot vacuum cleaners don’t have eyes to see obstacles as we can, these sensors help them navigate the obstacle course of furniture and objects in our home. Usually located on or near the vacuum’s shock-absorbing bumpers are obstacle sensors. When the robot impacts an item with its bumper, it quickly knows to turn course, generally moving the direction opposite of the object it hit. 



Cliff Sensors

Vacuum cleaners falling downstairs and over ledges would pose a significant safety hazard and possibly damage your new robot vacuum cleaner. For this reason, manufacturers require cliff sensors on all models of robot cleaners.


The vacuum, using infrared signals, measures the distance to the floor. If no signals bounce back, the robot assumes that it has reached a cliff, such as stairs. It will then change direction and continue cleaning elsewhere. 



Wall Sensors

The purpose of wall sensors isn’t to prevent collisions but rather help the vacuum detect the room’s edges and clean alongside them. These sensors also help your robot cleaner avoid scuffing up your walls. 



Wheel Sensors

The vacuum cleaner uses light sensors and wheel circumference to know how far it has traveled. This technology was initially how all robot vacuum cleaners worked, but now it’s mostly used in less expensive models. 


The truth is that although functional, this method isn’t as effective as other types of sensors because the vacuum may cover the same area multiple times and thus run out of battery before covering the entirety of the desired room. 



Robot Vacuum Cleaner Mapping Technology 

Some newer models of robot vacuum cleaners include mapping technology, using either an onboard camera or lasers. Then, it creates a room map with the vacuum’s other sensors that it can follow in its cleanings. This technology creates a significantly more efficient vacuum that can localize itself within the plan and look for new areas to clean, such as in doorways that were previously closed. 


If you compare models with mapping to their mapless counterparts, you’ll notice that this technology allows the vacuum to move in straighter lines as well. These models can also enable a vacuum to return to the dock when its battery gets low, recharge, and resume cleaning in the exact spot it left off. 



How To Choose Your Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Knowing the types of sensors robot vacuum cleaners use and the benefits of mapping technology, you undoubtedly already have an idea of what robot vacuum features you would like. However, there are just a few more factors to consider before picking out your favorite model. 



Vacuum Suction

Just like a regular vacuum, you want your robot cleaner to have sufficient suction power to clean up the smallest of debris and dust. If you would like to have more control over your vacuum’s suction power, choose a model that has low to high suction settings. Some robot vacuums adjust their suction strength automatically according to the floor and the amount of debris.



Dustbins and Filters

Although the robot vacuum does most of the cleaning for you, you will need to empty the dustbin yourself (on most models). That’s why you may want to be picky about the dustbin and filters when picking out your vacuum. 


Since the dustbins vary in size, you may want to get a model with a larger dustbin if you have children or pets. A larger bin will allow your vacuum to pick up more crumbs and fur without you having to empty it often. 


If the idea of emptying the dustbin repulses you, consider a model with a dust bin integrated into the charging dock. When the vacuum goes back to the dock, it releases the debris into a collection bag. The bag can hold up to 30 cycles of dirt, meaning you won’t have to worry about it often. 


As for filters, if you have allergies, try to get a model with a well-sealed dustbin and HEPA-style filters. Choosing allergy-friendly models will ensure that the dust isn’t released back into the air through the exhaust. 



Charging docks

Some vacuum models will return to the charging dock on their own when they sense a low battery. After they have fully recharged, they will return to finish cleaning the areas that did not get cleaned. However, older or lower-end models will die somewhere in the house, and you’ll need to take them to the charging station, where they can revive.


When deciding which model to choose, make sure that you think about the autonomy you want your vacuum to have. Ultimately, if you don’t want to think much about your vacuum cleaner, you should get a model that can charge itself when needed. 



The Future of Floor Cleaning 

Although the technology is still relatively new, some robot vacuum cleaners are now pairable with robot mops. When the robot vacuum cleaner finishes its work, it returns to the dock and lets the mop know that it’s time to do its job. By combining these two machines, your home will practically take care of itself. 



Purchasing Your Robot Vacuum Cleaner


At Amazrock, we have several models of robot vacuum cleaners. If the idea of improving your lifestyle with one of these house cleaning tools appeals to you, check out our smart robot vacuum cleaners!



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